Tribal Books: the On-Chain Path of Tribes
Hear the call of your tribe ! Welcome to Tribal Books, a brand new free to play online trading card game. Players will square off against each other in a turn based on-chain magical adventure using NFT collectible cards.
The Prophecy Says…
A long long time ago, great civilizations settled the world. Each of them had its own heart-city, where they stored their treasures including their Tribes’ Books. Not only did these Tribes’ books contain the wisdom of the people, they also held within them magical forces.
Then a dark demon who desired the Tribes’ Books set a trap, and lured in the mages carrying the Tribes’ Books of their peoples.
At that very moment, the heart-cities of all great civilizations were cursed and disappeared from the face of the Earth. Without their Tribes’ Books, the great civilizations were lost and became simple tribes.
But according to the prophecy, one day a hero will be born who’ll find all the Tribes’ Books and collect the lost forces. Then the enchanted heart-cities will be restored, and those great peoples of the past shall return to their former glory.
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